It's been quite some times since i post.. =)

16 days <3
whr shld i start? =D
TodayAfter school went to find dardarrr, send her home . =p
after that sms her then say going IMM walk walk =) hahas
then she done finish her homework le then i go her hse there meet her..
Took MRT ~
Her ezlink is a spongebob.. Laughs =)
Reach Jurong east then walk to IMM.
then started walkinggggggg..
then saw her AIAI
Doraemon!! hahahas
Dk walk for how long.
then went to the garden ~~
ahhas got playground , play water de ~ Dardar want to play but overage. =X
somemore nvr bring clothes . =) hahas
then after that we decided to go home.. then went to bus stop.
waited for bus.. 2 99 came.. but it's not double deck.. -.- and it was full.
laughs.. then we decided to take MRT back.
hahas tickle her on the way back Boon lay on MRT.
Laughs. Got 1 old auntie looking at us. =X
Reached boon lay le.. walk walk walk then dardar buy ice cream.
then saw her friend. Alicia. lOLs
then Alicia was waiting to buy the ice cream.
but i tink she wait quite long then pekcek then walk away.. Laughs..
then i sent dardar back.. =p
then i went back home =) hahas
then went out with bro to cut hair .
it's short now!
1 AugBand Investiture 08



Saying pledge.

NCOs 08